The Value of financial Education - Money.

Money!! Money !!
Money is a subject most people don’t want to talk about.
Have you ever wondered why 90% of the world population suffers financial problems?
Well money is a game! Yes a game just like any other professional games, handling money needs special set of knowledge and skills.
Unfourtunately, its never taught in our schools!. Most us have becomed accustomed to the phrase that goes ”Go to school, study hard , get good grades,go to a good university graduate and get a nice well paying job” if that’s the case why are we facing unemployment crisis in our societies today ?? and if one gets lucky to secure a job the wages are minimal… well its simple money is never taught academically. It’s a game that needs quality skills!!
Welcome! TO

my financial world, I took my time to study financial education through Richdad school. Surprisingly I found out that once we embrace financial education we will solve a lot of todays economic crisis and financial problems
According to Robert T kiyosaki in his book cashflow quadrant. He discusses four major ways in which people genarate their income as illustrated below.

Most average employees live below their means . simply because the salaries they get is minimal ,rendering them broke and getting them deep into bad debt.
 Lets take an example of an individual earning 500 USD without a family.
Basic salary = $500

  • P.A.Y.E = $80
  • HEALTH  CARE =$ 10
  • WELFARE =$20
  • STUDENT LOAN= $ 40
  • BANK  FEE=$2
  • TITHING  = $50

TOTAL= $202
Net income= b.s-  deductions  =$500-$202= $298
  • RENT= $75
  • FOOD= $50
  • CLOTHING=$70
SAVING= NET INCOME- EXPENSES =$( 298-245)= $53
Checking out the reality from the above expenditure, most people end up surviving instead of living.
Something amazing is that most people don’t acknowledge that they are subjecting oneself to poverty. Which is a bitter pill of truth to swallow. But when reality strikes and they realize the harassments and pressures from their bosses ,they decide to shift Quadrants, due to lack of financial knowledge and lack of enough capital this people get into the S 2nd quadrant

Unlike in employment where you had a boss but here you are your own boss but minimal difference in terms of your income and expenditures, profits are minimal for a small business, no time off, no money!
The other 2 quadrants are capital intensive, giving a reason why 90% 0f the world population are not here.


Apart from huge  capital required here , one needs aot of financial expertise .
most people wish to be in this quadrant but due to financial illiteracy they cant because they have no idea of generating capital.
Once one is in this  quadrant it becomes easy for one to get into the 4th quadrant.
       I – INVESTORS

The  more money you invest in this case the more money you make in return.
Buying shares, stocks and other major streams of generating passive income is why most people grow wealthy day to day because their money works for them.
In the first and second quadrants the income generated is linear. Meaning they must spend and trade their time for money . NO WORK NO PAY.  This enslaves them to working for money.
While in the third and fourth quadrant Passive/residual income is generated, thus giving them both time and financial freedom simply because their money works for them.
Here you have it folks!! Once I mastered the game of money I became a big fan of identifying opportunities.
I realized that being poor is simple!

  •  PASS
  • Over
  • Opportunities
  • Reapeatedly

 You need to understand that money is not a solution to your problems but just a means of exchange , without it you are DOOMED!!!
Here is a great deal for you…
If you want to live the life of your dreams this is for you!!
Be it you are :
In a job
Doing a business
Seeking for a job
Here is a plan and wonderful way to diversify/ increase your income. With our company and the Alpha  eagles group  you can live a desirable life of your DREAMS!!

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If You Are  in a job and need an extra income 


If  you  are in a business and would like to create another stream of income


If you are looking for a job you can do this business full-time 


If you are a stay at home mum or dad and want to work from home


If you are a student and you need a part time engagement to generate some income


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