The Value of financial Education - Money.
Money!! Money !! Money is a subject most people don’t want to talk about. Have you ever wondered why 90% of the world population suffers financial problems? Well money is a game! Yes a game just like any other professional games, handling money needs special set of knowledge and skills. Unfourtunately, its never taught in our schools!. Most us have becomed accustomed to the phrase that goes ”Go to school, study hard , get good grades,go to a good university graduate and get a nice well paying job” if that’s the case why are we facing unemployment crisis in our societies today ?? and if one gets lucky to secure a job the wages are minimal… well its simple money is never taught academically. It’s a game that needs quality skills!! Welcome! TO my financial world, I took my time to study financial education through Richdad school. Surprisingly I found out that once we embrace financial education we will solve a lot of todays economic crisis and financial problems Accordi...